Bredbandskollen CLI  1.2
Asynchronous network task engine
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CBadTaskConfigException thrown on syntax errors in task config
 CBridgeTaskTasks may use a bridge to communicate with an application running outside the event loop
 CDummyStreamThis class is used to optionally disable logging operations at compile time
 CEngineThe network engine
 CEventLoopManage timers and tasks
 CHttpClientConnectionHTTP/1.1 client protocol
 CHttpClientTaskAPI for HTTP clients
 CHttpHostThe host name and port number of a HTTP host
 CHttpServerConnectionHTTP/1.1 server protocol
 CHttpTaskCommon API for HTTP server and client tasks
 CLoadBalancerCreate worker (child) processes, and pass new connections evenly among them
 CLoggerA simple logger. All classes that want to write to the global log file should inherit from this class
 CMsgQueueThread safe queue
 CServerSocketListen on a single socket for incoming connections
 CShortMessageConnectionSimple protocol for exchanging messages
 CSocketThis is a slave to the Engine class. You can't use it directly, only through its subclasses, SocketConnection or ServerSocket
 CSocketConnectionThis class implements low-level socket connection operations. Inherit from it to implement protocols like HTTP
 CSocketReceiverPass sockets and messages between processes
 CSynchronousBridgeA bridge that "owns" the client
 CSynchronousClientClient that only exists (or, rather, executes code) from within the bridge
 CTaskThe purpose of a task is to manage socket connections, and/or to execute timers
 CTaskConfigRead configuration from file or string
 CThreadBridgeBridge using a thread safe queue to enable communication between agent and client
 CTimePointMeasure elapsed time during execution, for example by timer events
 CUnixDomainBridgeBridge using a pair of Unix domain sockets to enable communication between agent and client
 CUnixDomainClientClient communicating with an agent task using a UnixDomainBridge
 CWebServerTaskAPI for HTTP servers
 CWorkerProcessUsed by LoadBalancer to manage child processes